Parish Action Plan
The Action Plan is the result of an extensive household survey conducted in 2008 which highlighted many key issues for the communities within Highclere Parish Council's area.
Actions are taking place on a continual basis - these are documented in the parish council minutes on this website.
Where Highclere's Village Design Statement addresses the look and feel of the village and the control of development within it, the Highclere Action Plan set out proposals for the future of the village’s community.
Local people need to be closely engaged in the plan, to contribute information about what they like best (and least) about living in the village; what they think could be improved and what problems need to be addressed.
Penwood Draft Action Plan
16 April 2012. Basingstoke and Deane BC and Highclere PC have delivered the latest update on the Community Consultation for improving the environment in Penwood.
The draft action plan can be seen on the following link.
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