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WATERMILL BRIDGE application 21/03394/OUT revised

You may be aware of the proposal to build a new housing estate on land at Wash Water, known as the Watermill Bridge development. This is not supported by Highclere Parish Council, East Woodhay Parish Council, nor by the Enborne River Valley Preservation Society (ERVPS).

For more details you can click on the ERVPS website:

It is important that as many people as possible write to raise their objections to this development – if that is how they feel. We recognise that some will see the opportunity to provide smaller and more homes is a good idea.

Should you feel that you wish to write then you need to register with Basingstoke and Deane Planning website: – you will then be able to upload your comments. Or you can write directly to Basingstoke and Deane Planning quoting the above application number. If you require any assistance then please contact the Parish Clerk on 07855 275336.

The kinds of comments you may wish to make include the following:

1. The revised proposals are contrary to the adopted local plan and East Woodhay Neighbourhood Plan

2. The revised application will not deliver sustainable development as the site is not in a sustainable location. The proposed transport measures will have a limited impact on encouraging trips other than by car. They are focussed on links to Newbury which demonstrates the lack of a relationship with the rest of Highclere parish and the district

3. The revised proposals have not been properly assessed against the national guidance on flood risk. A sequential test which assesses the availability of alternative sites in areas of lower risk has not been undertaken

4. The contribution that the development if permitted would make to the five year supply of housing land is very modest and does not justify the harm it would cause to the environment

5. The revised application would result in a very urban form of development which is out of character with the surrounding area.

All objections can be sent in online using the portal or direct to the planning officer, Nicola Williams at

Please act quickly, the deadline has passed but objections will be accepted for the next few weeks.


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